
Wednesday 17 July 2024

Moving The Goalposts = We Win, You Lose .........from Rico

The financial goalposts have incrementally been moved by 'changing' the rules/regulations/laws to make what was once illegal legal.

- Summary: Heads we win, tails you lose.

 When you hear GREAT RESET and 'You Will Own Nothing' this is the context.


1. Remember the 'banking Crisis' of 2007-08 and the bank bail-ins in Cyprus (depositor accounts were used to offset Bank losses)?

- As only CONgress can 'fix' problems enter Public Law 111-203 the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act signed by Obama which shifted Bank risk to the Bank's customers while doing nothing to reform Wall Street or protect consumers and actually screwing consumers.

- US banking law was changed. At point of deposit in a Bank the depositor's money became the Bank's money and the depositor became an unsecured creditor of the Bank [read: last in line to be paid, if paid at all, if the Bank fails].


2. UCC 8-504 Duty of Securities Intermediary to Maintain Financial Asset [cite:] has been changed. All stocks and bonds can legally be taken from you in a financial collapse.

- Owners of securities are no longer 'owners' of those securities but are now designated as "security entitlements" (unsecured creditors). Secured creditors (TBTF Banks) have priority over "security entitlements" who are unsecured creditors in a systemic failure.

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