
Thursday 25 July 2024

It's A Big Club - One.....................from Rico

 Carlin was more correct than he knew...

July 23, 2024
Special Edition
Profile of the Billionaire Club
Current events are unmasking an image of the deep state,
the secretive and powerful group operating behind the scenes
 to create a one-world government.


By: Theordore Wilson
July 22, 2024


There are approximately 3,338 billionaires who make up most of the world's wealth. Their bank accounts and philanthropy don't qualify them as image-laden classy, brilliant, virtuous, or members of a club. A small group conducts business secretly, away from public scrutiny, to implement their own agenda.


 Not all billionaires are members of the deep state, only those who have joined the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. They come from every corner of the world.


The WEF, birthed by Klaus Schwab, a Swiss communist, operates under a shroud of secrecy. Membership is a privilege, granted only to those who can afford the hefty financial contribution and pass the scrutiny of their peers. New members must swear an oath to use their wealth, position, and influence to further the WEF's global goals, solidifying the power dynamics within the Club.


The World Economic Forum engages political, business, academic, civil society, and other stakeholders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. The Forum's commitment to facilitating progress through systemic challenges is furthered through its 10 Centres, each applying the institution's unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts.


Those interested in learning more about the WEF platform can research it through the United Nations website and committees.


The World Economic Forum's ultimate agenda will establish a one-world government, all sovereign nations will disappear, and world order will be under a dictatorship run by a communist committee. It will facilitate state capitalism, and the dictators will be the billionaires who are the largest stakeholders and the leaders of each genre of society: education, medicine, public administration, etc.


          Herein lies the glitch. Communist China has an estimated 814 billionaires who live in eight cities, and the United States has 800 billionaires who live in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Dallas. New York City has the most billionaires.


          India, with 271 billionaires, ranks third in billionaires, but they are mostly averse to the WEF. The United Kingdom, fourth, has 146; Germany, fifth, has 140; and Switzerland, sixth, has 106. In other words, Europe remains a weak sister in a three-way struggle with China and the United States over power and influence once they succeed in establishing their one-world government.


          American billionaires have become a force by themselves, with Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg, who have a combined worth of 210 billion dollars. Gates, the voice of the global warming movement, and Bloomberg and his partner Larry Fink, who control the 10 trillion assets of BlackRock, among other entities, specialize in social engineering. Their Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Committee oversees every company in the United States that wants to advertise in the media to meet the guidelines of the woke agenda.


          We don't want George Soros to feel the sting of disdain. Stand up, George!
Soros has been mentioned in more political upheavals than any person in the world. His wealth fluctuates between 6.5 and 9 billion intentionally. Excess earnings end up in the hands of liberal causes around the globe. It was Soros who financed the burning of cities during the summer of 2020 to fight Trump.


          The American Billionaire Club members are well-educated in how to use their wealth effectively. They formed The Democracy Alliance, a network of progressive megadonors that coordinate political donations to their cause. It has been described by Politico as "the country's most powerful liberal donor club. There are 18 political action committees organized to socially engineer our society, including Black Lives Matter, a communist organization that has pledged its allegiance to China.


The Billionaire Club members attract voters by using fragments of phrases or words such as "Democracy" and "Black Lives Matter" to disguise their communist affiliation. When you consider that Blacks and Whites place BLM signs in their front yards, are advertising the belief that African Americans will be happier under a communist dictatorship in a one-world government run by the billionaires when there are only 15 blacks in the world fall in that category, it proves that logos can be deceptive.


          My neighbor stood on the other side of the fence, relaxed, strong, and confident, trying to convince me in his acrobatic, entertaining voice that I had to be totally ignorant about politics to vote for Donald Trump in the November election. It was one of life's messy realities, and I felt that I had to stand my ground.


          "Can you tell me the difference between Marxism, Leninism, communism, and fascism?" Almost as an afterthought, it was my best comeback since trying to defend Trump over the fence would spell disaster between two neighborhood friends.


          He talked in circles and played himself to exhaustion in the heat of the moment, but he only managed to differentiate between a vague definition of communism and fascism. He then stopped in suitable humility and admitted that he didn't really know.


          "What difference do these make in America?" he asked"We are a democracy."


Learning never fails to attract a person who is truly interested in knowing the truth. I was hoping he would fit that profile.


          "Did you know Black Lives Matter wants to establish communism in the United States? Have you wondered why the media has tried to humiliate Trump every day for the past eight years? Have you heard of the World Economic Forum? Look up the answers to those questions and ask me again why I am voting for Donald Trump."


          Why would owners of billion-dollar industries want a communist society? That seems to be a contradiction between capitalism and communism, an ambiguous question.


          Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc., apply to different communistic governments. All of them established classless societies where religion, private property, culture, and traditional family values were abolished. Big Brother programmed the people to think uniformly; nobody was allowed to have more than anyone else, and everyone existed for the good of the state.


          The neo-communist country under the World Economic Forum will establish state capitalism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. The billionaires will become omnipresent in terms of knowing what is best for the preservation of the earth and humanity. They will advance technology to create a superabundance, and they will become the state, pseudo gods, and they will have perpetual wealth and power.


          When did the United States make a wrong turn? How did we get where we are today?


Between 1997 and 2017, the United States lost over 91,000 manufacturing plants, and nearly 5 million jobs disappeared (Economic Policy Institute). Since 2001, 60,000 U.S. factories have moved to China.


These figures had a far-reaching effect on life in the United States. Their decisions contributed to increases in the number of homeless people, suicides, depression, broken marriages, and the escalation in the crime rate. In clear and concise terms, the owners of these companies and CEOs turned their backs on the people of the United States.


The policies of their corporations and CEOs provide a clear picture of their scope of understanding about life in smaller American cities and rural areas. For example, when Levi Strauss closed its factories, thousands lost their jobs at the only factory in the small town of Lebanon, MO. Nearly all of them were forced to leave that community.


Anything for an extra dime. Corporations began to apply every scheme to increase profits. They gouge consumers at the cash register, and economic policies handed down by CEOs contribute to waste. For example, packaging often leads to an excessive purchase of a product, eight ballpoint pens when you want one, two dozen screws when you want three, and the constant change in interchangeable parts such as electronic cords. They phase out models to render other models useless.


The number of adulterated products stocked in American supermarkets is beyond imagination. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, spices, tea and coffee, honey, and sugar, as well as a vast array of processed foods with additives designed specifically to increase profits. Scientists have also been warning the public for decades that products flowing out of our grocery stores cause cancer and obesity.


It would be unfair to stereotype all billionaires as lovers of self, arrogant, and abusive. Without a list of Billionaire Club members in this somewhat secretive group, this stereotype remains philosophical but still a reality.


Imagine for a minute, that you are an anthropologist studying billionaires.
When you study traits and behavior that link a significant number of individuals to a small group, you will rely on statistics to establish validity and reliability.


          Billionaires tend to school like fish. They form an isolated society out of touch with mainstream America outside of the habitat of the general population. They gravitate to elite private schools and universities, and costly activities out of reach of an average income.


Anyone who wants to visualize the lives of billionaires can go to Monaco, a steep hillside of slightly one square mile shaped like half of a stadium around a cove on the Mediterranean Sea. On a Sunday afternoon, the ocean-going yachts anchored in the harbor resemble the parking lot outside of a professional football stadium. Spend the day walking the docks and studying the number of luxurious boats with a full-time staff.


Monaco has been portrayed as romantic and prestigious. It serves as a networking workshop, office space, country club, and somewhat of a hideout for the wealthy. Many wealthy individuals, including celebrities and businesspeople not included in the actual population, use Monaco as a secondary residence to benefit from its tax advantages.


          Billionaires also gravitate toward business models that eliminate competition and help them corner a marketBlackRock (New York City), the world's largest company, manages 10 trillion dollars (U.S.) of assets and fits the description of a holding company outlined in our U.S. anti-trust laws.


          Here's where the prominent members of the Billionaire Club surface. The technology industry has become the governing body over the First Amendment: Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. have owners who label and limit freedom of expression. They invade our private space, eavesdrop on our privacy, track us, monitor us, and stalk their users with advertisements.


handful of billionaires own or control television, newspapers, magazines, book publications, and Hollywood. They set the standard for professional journalists by telling them what they can publish, what they must or cannot say, and direct control of public opinion toward the values and standards of the Billionaire Club.


The media operates as the Fourth Branch of GovernmentWhoever controls communications controls the country. The Left uses our airways as a medium for political propaganda in the same manner that Joseph Goebbels managed public opinion in Nazi Germany.


The United States and our constitution have been under siege by the deep state tactics of the Billionaire Club as far back as 2008. Why do we refer to the "deep state" movement? The Billionaire Club cannot afford to be identified, and its goals are subversive. It is a proponent of the World Economic Forum and a one-world government under state capitalism and communism.


The Democrat Party does not want to use the word communism. They use the word Progressive Party, terms like preserving democracy, and statements like, "Voting for Trump is voting against democracy" to attract votes.


          Traditional Democrat candidates running for office in November are scampering to oppose conservatives. On campaign literature in the mail this week, Emanuel Cleaver, long-standing D-U.S. Representative from Missouri, features the phrase in large bold letters at the top, "Freedom Fighters for Democracy."


A close liberal friend of mine sent a Marxist post to all her friends. "We have lived our lives by the assumption that what is good for us is good for the world. We have been wrong. We must change our lives so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption, that what is good for the world will be good for us. And that requires that we know the world and know what is good for it."


In other words, cast aside all you have been taught traditional family values, religion, and the Bill of Rights.  "Big Brother knows what's best for you."


A smart anthropologist would not miss another important observation. Statistically, a large proportion of the front-line billionaires are of Jewish ethnicity. The left would object to any such statement, categorize it as "not politically correct", and proceed to destroy the person who said it with their greatest weapon, cancel culture.


Cancel culture has been the primary tool used in censorship to disarm the truth. For example, during the COVID-19 epidemic, America's front-line doctors and scientists who knew that the virus was treatable were blackballed by the American Medical Association and not allowed to practice in public institutions.


Jewish billionaires have primary control over the media. They formed AIPAC to lobby the Congress of the United States on issues and legislation related to Israel. AIPAC regularly meets with members of Congress and holds events where it can share its views. As of early 2019, AIPAC had 17 regional and satellite offices and a new headquarters on K Street in Washington, D.C.[32] AIPAC spent $3.5 million on lobbying in 2018, a relatively large sum in the realm of foreign policy.


The Jewish coalition consists of 267 billionaires. They finance AIPAC and donate heavily to the social interest of the Democracy Alliance. Bloomberg controls BlackRock, regulates corporations to meet the standards of the woke movement, and leads the attack on traditional family values. Mark Zuckerberg paves the way for censorship, and they lobby Congress to bankroll Israelis in their war against Hamas.


The Jewish coalition sometimes clashes with gentile members of the Billionaire Club, like Bill Gates, a spokesperson for global warming
Jeff Bezos gives himself credit for destroying Donald Trump and preventing his re-election in 2020. Ted Turner, CNN, leads the propaganda movement and isn't totally aligned with Israel.


Now we are engaged in the election of the president on November 6, 2024. The fact that Trump remains a threat to the Billionaire Club constitutes a marvel. Why does the Billionaire Club need you to hate Donald Trump?


If the American public elects him in 2024, it would almost certainly spell doom for the 2030 Great Reset. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde, the French head of the European Bank, announced at the WEF Convention in Davos last January, "Trump cannot be allowed to take office in January, British television host, David Aaronovitch, urged President Joe Biden to "murder" Trump on July 1, 2024.


The attempted assassination of Donald Trump serves as proof that the Billionaire Club must get rid of its enemy. He has consolidated nearly every loyal American loyal to democracy. Conspiracy theories have already hit the airways, but one coincidence has been substantiated. Thomas Matthew Crooks was a cameo in one of BlackRock's television commercials a year ago.


The Billionaire Club exposed itself when CNN held a debate between Ron De DeSantis, governor of Florida, and Gavin Newson, governor of California. In context, it made no sense. Again, a second debate out of protocol between two candidates held before they are nominated by the party at the national convention provides a picture of how the deep state works.


Removing Biden has now been accomplished by the Billionaire Club. Kamala Harris, an admitted communist and an insider in the Biden Administration, has been well indoctrinated on the World Economic Forum platform. Will the American people accept communism under the leadership of a black president peacefully?


Trump remains a huge stumbling block. He's not dead yet, and the Democrat plot to hold him prisoner in New York failed. The Progressives are screaming at the conservatives, "When your loyalty to a felon is greater than your love for the country, you are the problem."    


          Can the Billionaire Club continue to outmaneuver Trump? Ted Turner did exactly what he needed to do, lay the foundation to replace Biden. He also painted a clear negative picture of Trump. Right before the debate started, CNN interviewed random Americans. The last statement the viewers heard was, "I really don't like either candidate. They are both bad. I wish we had a better choice."


Turner ended the debate by knocking Trump down. His CNN commentator asked Trump three essentially designed questions to make the former president appear as bad as Biden.
o   "Will you deport illegals?" Answer: "Yes."


o   "The price of childcare has risen so high young families cannot afford it. What will you do about that" Answer"Give them a tax break." The best answer would be to freeze wages and prices, but that answer would turn America against him.


o    "If you lose the election, will you accept the results unconditionally." Answer: "If I think the election was handled fairly, I will." The correct answer is that the United States has a record of election tampering. Candidates have challenged results in the past and the results were overturned. Why would anyone agree to abandon their rights before an election?


          Can the deep state be defeated?


          Greed has no conscience. Like Nazi Germany, political enemies must be destroyed. Americans must face the reality that any candidate who steps up to the plate and can defeat the Billionaire Club will suffer the same damnation that we have witnessed against Donald Trump.


          Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Bryon Donalds, Nicky Haley, John Eastman, my God, it's a list so long it turns the stomach. The Billionaire Club has gone after all of them. They persecute their enemies, and if that doesn't work, the Department of Justice will prosecute.


          Citizens, black and white, are encumbered and losing confidence in the American Dream. The documentary, The Great Awakening by Mikki Willis describes how we are being hammered by the liberals, told to cast our beliefs aside and obey Big Brother. They are brainwashing, censoring us, and laying the foundations for the end of our national sovereignty.


          The United States has evolved as the firewall of the global agenda. Why? The Billionaire Club has more power than the Chinese billionaires, and we are now in the middle of the second Cold War. The question is: Where will the world capital of the one-world government be located, Beijing, Davos, or New York City?


China has launched neo-colonialism, and they are asserting its presence in Asia, South America, Africa, the South Pacific, and the United States. Most of the industrialists in the Billionaires Club have their factories in China. The Jewish Coalition controls BlackRock and investment, a powerful force.


The two wars we are witnessing are the result of the New Cold War. Russia's billionaires are tied to China because of the limitations of land mass like Canada. The European Plain, which supports agriculture, flows through France and north into the Ukraine.


 It has rich mineral fields needed for nuclear war. Nearly all the billionaires in the Ukraine are in mining. That explains why Vladimir Putin forbids NATO from allowing Ukraine into the pact. He plans to annex the region.


The war in the middle east enters around religious beliefs. The Jews and Islam face Jerusalem every day in prayer. In other words, it is a holy city for two different religions. The followers of Muhammad and Islam consider it to be the only true religion. Outsiders are infidels subservient to members of the Islamic community. To die defending their faith remains the highest honor one can achieve.


Communism does not allow religion. Fueling the war in the Mideast serves a purpose. It will lead to the World Economic Forum's occupation of the regions to end the violence. A bloody war gives the WEF good cause to starve the people to death if they don't comply. Eventually, the WEF will destroy both religions. 


The Jewish coalition in the United States causes a problem for international unity within the WEF. AIPAC lobbies Congress for the survival of Israel and the maintenance of Judaism. The Jewish control media, and that gives them the upper hand in their fight with companies like Apple where every one of their products come from China.


Wise and intelligent people will tell you communism can't take over the United States. However, it seems like we are losing the battle in their psychological war. Americans are becoming demoralized and are subjected to the strong arm of the woke movement. We have reached the point in time that we must learn to love our country all over again.


The Billionaire Club has doubled down. They have signed a death certificate of freedom and our constitution by putting a communist advocator aligned with China on the Democrat ticket. With the control of the media and unlimited money, the deep state has the advantage.


1 comment:

  1. Mark Matis10:24

    One wonders how many of them are Jewish?
    Besides Soros and Zuckerberg, of course!
