
Sunday 14 July 2024

Character(s) Revealed .........from Rico


- Opera Non Verba [Deeds Not Words].

- When traitors rule, patriotism is sedition and treason is rewarded.


- Make NO mistake. This [read: attempted assassination] is as close to combat as most will get. This IS combat...I'm a Combat Vet and I know. The fight being provoked, and now openly initiated by America's Bolsheviks against America and Americans follows the same Color Revolution playbook the Bolshies so love [Team Obama: Sullivan, Rice, Nuland, ad nauseum] and have repeatedly used (notably in Ukraine).


It's true that combat reveals character while stripping-away all the superficial bullshit.

- MAGA CHARACTER has been bloodied but remains defiant and unbowed. NOUS DEFIONS!

- BOLSHIE CHARACTER spews hate and vitriol, talks smack like smart in school but dumb on the bus kids that never got their asses kicked in the school yard.

- Cowards who've never been punched in the nose but will happily sucker-punch you, or stab you in the back [or assassinate your character, finances, and/or very life].

- The words "Time to put Trump in the bullseye" attributed to Biden were written by Team Obama and spoken in Barry's voice. Witting.

- DHS has rebuffed the Team Trump requests for more robust security for weeks now. Willful.


There is a lot about all this that smells fishy.

- The rooftops with line-of-sight to Trump were left unsecured/unoccupied. Deliberate.

- The roof top shooter may have been a staged decoy Lee Harvey Oswaldesque patsy*; the one person dead in the crowd may have been the designated primary team assassin...that both are now dead ties-off this loose end. Purposeful.


The same FBI that executed and then investigated the Las Vegas shooting, then staged and then investigated J6, then raided Mar-a-Lago and planted fake evidence will undeniably be all over this latest steaming pile of shit and will get to the bottom of it most ricky-tick!


 *There was more than one shooter involved in JFK's assassination, I don't believe there was a sole shooter in this failed Trump assassination attempt...btw this decoy one was a donor to the ultra-leftist ActBlue PAC.

1 comment:

  1. "... the one person dead in the crowd may have been the designated primary team assassin...that both are now dead ties-off this loose end."

    That statement didn't stand the test of time very well now, did it?
