
Friday 11 September 2020

Rogue Great Britain - Back Of The Queue For US Trade Deal


The hysteria surrounding the British government’s action to protect the integrity of the United Kingdom against an attempt by the European Union (EU) to split it up raises several important issues and reveals the extent to which the globalist elite will go to frustrate the will of the British people to leave the corrupt and bankrupt political project.

A prosperous, independent Great Britain free of the EU shackles would be a devastating blow for the nation building project for two reasons. Firstly, the ending of British contributions to the EU budget will cause the already indebted Eurozone economy to collapse completely.

Secondly, it would cause the impoverished and disenfranchised people of the other nation states to question the value of membership and demand their independence also.

These two consequences alone could end the decades long nation building project and be a major setback to the globalist project for a one world government. 

To salvage their beloved United States of Europe, and the associated gravy train, the unelected ruling elite in Brussels, along with the globalist cabal and the internal enemies of British independence, have done everything in their power to reverse the result of the Brexit referendum.

Failing that, they have attempted to ensnare the British people in a trade and political agreement that would leave them still subject to EU regulations and the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. The infamous Brexit in name only.

Read about it here

1 comment:

  1. Mark Matis20:17

    The tribe will not tolerate Brexit, and will do whatever it takes to destroy Britain and force them to beg to get back into the EU. They view the EU as a waypoint en route to their One World Government "utopia". And intend to get there. BAMN!!!

    And if Biden "wins", there will be no free trade deal with the US! The tribe owns the Democrat party, who dance to their tune.
