
Sunday 27 September 2020

Politicians Are Using Phony Science to Justify Tyranny

It seems like an eternity but it’s only been six months since the hard-won rights and freedoms enjoyed by generations of British people were removed in a matter of days by a political class whose use of the dictatorial powers they awarded themselves is out of proportion to the crisis they are meant to be addressing.  

The people are already missing those nostalgic, halcyon days prior to March 25th 2020 when, face mask and punishment free, they could meet with friends and family in a park or on a beach; when they could celebrate the marriage of their children at a wedding or mourn the loss of loved ones at a funeral.

Those were the good old days when they could attend church or go to the local pub and enjoy a beer with their pals or go to a sporting event or the cinema or the theatre or watch their kids in a school play.

We remember with affection those carefree days before the media induced panic scared people to the point where they emptied the shelves of toilet rolls, soap, and canned food.

What freedom loving people miss the most is going to work and earning a living to provide for their families and not relying on handouts from a Conservative government who are supposed to be the guardians of individual liberty and a free enterprise economy.

It was March 25th 2020 when the Coronavirus Act became the law of the land and gave the government dictatorial powers over the people which they promptly used to take control of the economy then close it down, suspend normal life and confine people to their homes under virtual house arrest. This included the young and healthy, i.e. those who were at little or no risk from the virus.

Read about it here


  1. Anonymous17:12

    The tyranny of what is best for you is evil. It is the same evil that took Hitler to power.
