
Monday 14 September 2020

Irexit - Avoiding Another Civil War in Ireland

Apropos to my previous article ref, a Rogue Great Britain. (Link below)

Re-igniting the civil war in Ireland is a price the globalist elite will pay to protect their nation building project in Europe which has been put in serious jeopardy by the British people’s decision to leave the European Union (EU).

Speaker of the American House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, have been joined by former Prime Ministers John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Theresa May condemning the actions the British government have taken to protect the integrity of a post-Brexit United Kingdom.

One of reasons they give for their intervention is that by protecting the integrity of the United Kingdom the British government is putting at risk the peace agreement, known as the Good Friday Agreement, that ended the civil war in Northern Ireland.

The truth is somewhat different, and it exposes these powerful globalists for the fanatics they are and the lengths they will go to protect their nation building project and their one-world government agenda.

The four former Prime Ministers are totally dedicated to the European Union (EU) to which they give their undying loyalty. Between them they surrendered so much sovereignty to the European Union, Great Britain ceased to be an independent country becoming instead a minor province of the United States of Europe. A star on someone else’s flag as someone so aptly put it.

Read about it here

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