
Thursday 2 January 2020

Politicians Refuse to Stop the Cross-Channel Migrant Invasion..................Dan T

A year ago, almost to the day, the then Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, cut short his family’s Christmas holiday in South Africa and flew back to Great Britain to deal personally with an urgent immigration crisis.

Increasing numbers of economic migrants, mainly young males from Iran and Afghanistan, were crossing the English Channel in small boats and rubber dinghies from France in order to illegally enter Great Britain and join the welfare benefits free-for-all or to join the Islamic jihad.

In the year following Javid’s personal intervention in this so-called emergency, or ‘major incident’ as he called it, channel crossings have more than doubled. This begs the question; what action did he take, if any, or did Javid sacrifice his family holiday in a cynical headline grabbing publicity stunt designed to appease the restless anti-mass immigration British public?

The yawning chasm between the political class and the people is at its widest on the issue of open border mass immigration and imposed multi-culturalism. Imposing a so-called ‘multi-cultural society’ is a fig leaf cover for cultural replacement which is the declared goal of the United Nations (UN) and its bastard offspring, the European Union (EU).  

In the simplest of terms, the people want mass immigration and cultural replacement stopped but the political class and the globalist ruling elite do not. Moreover, they will do everything in their power to keep it going as long as possible until the tipping point is reached making cultural replacement irreversible.

Read about it here

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