
Monday 19 November 2018

Treason – A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...............from Dan T.

Two of the most poignant ceremonies in the British calendar are the wreath laying ceremony at the Cenotaph in London on Remembrance Sunday accompanied by the Festival of Remembrance held in the Royal Albert Hall.

Both events are led by Her Majesty the Queen and are held in solemn remembrance by the entire nation for all those who sacrificed their lives in two world wars so that Great Britain remained an independent, sovereign nation.

They sacrificed their lives so that Great Britain should remain a proud, independent and sovereign nation not for a few years or a few decades but from the day they died until the ending of world.

No politician or group of power brokers have the authority to surrender that sovereignty to a foreign entity especially when that entity is led by the former enemy against which ‘Our Glorious Dead’ died fighting.

The image above epitomises not just the shameless hypocrisy of the current ruling elite but also serves as an appalling insult to the British people and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their beloved nation.

Read about their treachery here

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