
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Election Laws: Break in Emergency............from Rico

Arizona is no longer content to be Commiefornia-lite, and has 'elected' a pink-tutu wearing radical Code-pink, Taliban-supporter, Communist Party-USA, DEMOCRAT to the Senate.

- WTF?


In all fairness, McSally would have been just another RINO like Flake or McPain, and at least Sinema is out of the Communist closet.

- Way out.


BUT the Left is one seat closer to adding control of the Senate to its control of the House.

- Pay attention.


How did they 'do' it? By stealing and cheating.

- AZ has 'emergency voting centers' that were used to illegally inflate/pad the Democrat (C) vote.


In Democrat-infested areas apparently all election laws have a warning label that says "Break in case of emergency."

- With 'emergency' being defined as "oh shit, we lost."

1 comment:

  1. The only silver lining is if you're not aware now that the voter fraud is turned up to 11 and will be cranked even high er 2020, then FOAD.
