
Monday 22 October 2018

Trump v May – Honesty and Integrity v Betrayal and Treachery.............from D.Thomas

It should be obvious even to the most biased observer that President Trump is a patriot and a man of his word. Since he was sworn into office he is keeping the promises he made during his election campaign.

In contrast it should also be obvious to the same observers that British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is a treacherous lying rat who is working with other treacherous lying rats to overturn the result of the Brexit referendum and keep the British people locked inside the hopelessly corrupt and failing European Union (EU).

Candidate Trump made it abundantly clear during his election campaign that America’s trade deals around the world were poorly negotiated, grossly unfair and put America and the American worker at a disadvantage. Consequently, America suffered huge trade deficits with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost to overseas competitors.

In his campaign to put America first he promised to renegotiate these trade deals or pull out of them altogether and use tariffs to encourage recalcitrant nations to the negotiating table.

In less than twenty months in office President Trump has pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which disadvantaged America and American workers. He has renegotiated trade deals with Japan and Korea along with the disastrous North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada. He is currently renegotiating trade deals with China and the European Union (EU) and who would bet against him succeeding.

Read on here

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