
Tuesday 24 October 2017

Busty Chantel Jeffries Wearing No Bra in Tight Black Sweater

She's got nice tits.

Here, "Big and Busty Chantel Jeffries Tight in No Bra and Black Sweater."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17:39

    Not to blame the victim, but isn't this pretty much how all women in Hollywood and other similar venues dress. Certainly there is nothing wrong with advertising your assets and trying to troll for attention. But then you get attention (I don't mean forcible rape which is a crime) and someone tries to date them or proposition them or offers them a quid pro quo because they are after all trolling for attention by showing off their sexual assets. I mean, have you ever said to yourself; there is an ugly woman with no sexuality I think I will ask her out on a date? Of course not you look to see who is trying to be asked out on a date or asked to "get down". And it happens milllions of times everyday (night) quite successfully and happily to both parties because that's what it's all about. But if it happens to be with a coworker or the man isn't exactly the one the woman wanted or maybe years later after getting the quid pro quo the woman is kinda pissed that she actually did that and blames it 100% on the man who "asked" (as though every man she knows doesn't ask) THEN it is "sexual harassment".
