
Saturday 8 October 2016

Progressives Are Using Mass Immigration To Destroy America.................from Daniel Thomas

The disastrous and bloody consequences of opening the borders to mass immigration from the third world into western democracies is there for all to see. The rape, murder and violent criminal activities being visited upon the law abiding citizens of the host nations is the visible aspect of the disaster but the less visible aspect should give equal cause for concern.

The incompatibility and the declared refusal of some immigrants to integrate along with their continual demands that the host nations give up their long established Judeo-Christian heritage and cultural practices to accept alien and often barbaric ones has had the effect of degrading the very fabric of the developed nation states.

A borderless world with free movement of people anywhere and everywhere, and the subsequent degradation of western civilization, is the declared intention of the UN/EU global political elite and judging by the actions of their surrogates in the national legislatures they are determined to make it happen.

Since no one in their right mind would emigrate from the prosperous developed nations to the more poor and uncivilized corners of the world, mass immigration is always going to be one way traffic until the host nation resembles the ones that were left behind.

Read the article here

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