
Monday 17 October 2016

Only half a word...

Buddy, or mother, is only HALF a word when talking about Republicans today.
- They appear to have taken the last three letters from DemocRAT and changed their party logo from an elephant to a RAT.
What am I talking about? No, not merely that turncoat Ryan who was for, then against, then 'meh' about Trump. Ryan is just another typical Washingtonian political ass-wipe.
- No, I'm talking about this: with a couple weeks to go until the Nov 8th election, the GOP has spent exactly $0 on TV ads supporting Trump compared to the $42 million it spent for Romney-Ryan in 2008.
So, while clearly buddy, or mother, is only half-a-word for the RINO's, is crap-weasel one word or two I wonder?
- How about c*ck-sucker?

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