
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Veteran Gives Donald Trump His Purple Heart at Virginia Campaign Rally (VIDEO)

Cross-posted from American Power.


Hmm, I'm sure this will be all over the news today.

At McClatchy, "Trump receives Purple Heart from veteran: ‘This was much easier’":

Trump told the audience during his rally that “something very nice just happened to me. A man came up to me and he handed me his Purple Heart.”

As the audience aahed, Trump continued: “I said to him, ‘Is that like the real one or is that a copy? And he said, ‘That’s my real Purple Heart. I have such confidence in you.’”

“And I said, ‘Man that’s big stuff.’ I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier, but I tell you it was such an honor.”

Trump, who identified the veteran as retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, then brought him up on stage and shook hands, holding the award up again for the crowd. According to records, Dorfman was wounded in action in November 2007 in Iraq.

The giving of the Purple Heart followed a days-long feud in the press between Trump and the family of Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq in 2004...

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