Thursday 4 August 2016

Make America Great Again?....................from Dan Friedman

[Barack Hussein Obama has sold out our country in broad daylight. The damage will be felt acutely for generations if not reversed at the first opportunity on November 8th. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say the future of America – if not the free world - is on the line. Does anyone really think Hillary is able or willing to do the job? Now you may understand why I am so livid that Donald Trump shot himself in the foot at this most critical juncture. If Trump actually understands what’s at stake in our coming election, he must remember it’s not about him, it’s about the United States of America. Trump needs to transform himself into a serious person, and a patriot, immediately. He says he will make America great again. Last chance to prove it, Donald. df]
Obama administration insists there was no quid pro quo, but critics charge payment amounted to ransom

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