
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Another "wall" at the DNC?....................from Rico

Philly 2016 just keeps getting "better"..........
- Thank you DemocRATS (C). This is simply Hillaryous!
And it also keeps 'moving on' and 'forward' .........from the sublime to the ridiculous!
- And from a 4-mile, 8-ft fence around the outside of the DNC convention to a WALL around the DNC podium inside the convention!
Walls within walls.
- What are they afraid of? Their own convention delegates?
- This is protecting them from WHAT? From WHO?
- Are they not only afraid average Americans have figured-out what assholes they are, but now their own party members and convention delegates?
And these scumbags, and their media whores and corksnockers, maintain with a straight face and stiff upper lip that ALL IS WELL.
Yeah. Sure. Riiiiight.
- FKG LIARS...............

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