
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Keep America (and the World) SAFE.....................from Rico

Madeline Albright's "special place in Hell" (for women who don't support Hillary) remark was pretty much ignored and/or laughed-off by most sentient life forms who recognized the vapid idiocy of it.
- I'd bet a LOT of women felt insulted by this blatant use of the V-card, and understand just how demeaning and belittling using it this way was.
This was NOT a 'chance' or 'offhand' remark, but one coordinated with the true face of the 'war on women' and her campaign
- All involved are tone deaf and clueless. In a word.....Clintonian.
When it comes to corrupt (and venal) politicians in general, and HMF (Her Marxist Filthiness) Hillary Clinton, one is better playing it SAFE than being SORRY.
- HMF belongs in prison, not in a campaign for President. Any other mere mortal would already be in the big house, the Casa Graybars.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Matis17:27

    You say:
    "Any other mere mortal would already be in the big house, the Casa Graybars."

    I say you're wrong. Jon Corzine stole over $1 billion of customer segregated funds, and is not in jail. The CORRECT version of your statement is:

    "Any Mere Citizen would already be in the big house, the Casa Graybars."

    There is no Rule of Law for the Elite. Nor for their enabling Blue Wall.
