
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Help a Jewish Family Fight The Jewish Left.....................from Dan Friedman

Yesterday evening I sent around an APB regarding the harassment of a Jewish family, the Rachmuths, by left-leaning Jewish community officials in Durham, N. Carolina. Your response has been great. Thank you.
In short, the Rachmuths decided to pull their children out of the local Federation-endowed day school after learning that some of the staff was promoting BDS and other virulent anti-Zionist political lines. For doing the right thing by their kids, they were rewarded with a lawsuit filed by the local Federation’s Jewish day school. Having dealt with other instances of the same phenomenon in other parts of the country, the ugly, mean-spirited reaction of the leftist apparatchiks of Durham is no surprise to me. Cosi fan tutte, when it comes to their species. “Progressive” politics first, Jewish values last, if at all.
For those of you who would like more details and an opportunity to make a contribution to the family’s legal defense fund, you’ll find both by clicking this link.

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