Tuesday 3 November 2015

Liberals: Useful idiots and cannon fodder for Communists.....................from Rico

I've heard it said that Socialists were merely Communists who had not yet picked-up their AK-47's.
- There is a video (and a lot of related ones) on YouTube titled "Yuri Bezmenov - KGB Defector on "useful idiots" and the True Face of Communism."
I had figured this out for myself many years ago, and over many years of seeing how things 'worked' in both "soon-to-be Communist paradises" and "established Communist paradises." 
- It's not pretty or fun when they have their AK-47's locked and loaded.
Even knowing the score, it is still chilling to hear 'the plan' discussed so calmly by Yuri, and to see how things are actually playing out here in the "soon-to-be-former USA."
- This might be the best 14 minutes you can spend this weekend. You might want to watch it and decide for yourself....don't take my word for it.

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