Thursday 12 November 2015

A head "full" of it....................from Rico

Barry must be on some really swell drugs. Well that, and he's a complete sh*t head.
He consistently calls for gun laws like Australia's (02 Oct 15), and repeatedly praises Australia's 'tough' gun control laws, saying the US should follow Australia's example (11 Jun 14).
Until he gets what he wants, the next best thing for him to do is to 'import' Mexican cartel and MS-13 members to try and achieve the same results as Australia has.
He spouts off regularly with ridiculous sh*t like this, even when nobody is squeezing his head.
- Barry, if we want any sh*t out of you we'll squeeze your head, otherwise STFU.
Nobody in their right mind would trust a place where a collectivist like YOU controlled ALL the guns.

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