Monday 16 November 2015

A banquet of consequences...........................from Rico

France has THE highest concentration of Muslims in EUrope today (but thanks to Hijrah that's about to change).
- In America the Jewish population is about to be exceeded by its Muslim population.
It's NOT like the Muslims aren't telling the West EXACTLY what they intend for everyone.
- It's time to get serious, or get dead. [For leftists: It's almost impossible to kiss your ass goodbye when your head is so far up your ass.]
Unless la belle France declares "C'est Sur Maintenant Encules!" [It's on now motherfuckers!] and actually DOES something effective instead of talking about their Musloid problem, they are finished.
- So will EUrope be finished.
Let's see: armed wolves, disarmed sheep, no borders, and traitorous leftist leaders.....what could possibly go wrong?
- What about the Paris bloodbath was NOT predictable?
- What about pResident "I will stand with Muslims" Barry moving to INCREASE the flow of these medieval vermin into the US do people NOT "get"?
- What about losing your civilization and everything you love do people NOT understand?
Skip the candle light vigils, hand-wringing, or protest marches in the streets.
- None of these things is going to "save" anyone's ass from this.
There appears to be NO Martel or Sobieski out there today, but you'll note Vladimir Putin isn't being overwhelmed by Hijrahdists flocking to Russia.
- This is not only a big CLUE for the clueless, but a big factor in Trump's rising popularity.
There are consequences to the West's insane 'policies' and, sooner or later, everyone has to sit down to a banquet of consequences.
- Paris was just a small appetizer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Letting the Syrians into Idaho, Montana and Arkansas is an excellent idea. It will easy to quietly pick them off, one at a time.