Monday 12 October 2015

The #VRWC Report, the leadership ain't what it used to be edition

Barack Obama's definition of "leadership?" Run away. And tilt at windmills.

As you may already have heard, common sense is in short supply at CNN. Ben Carson tries to set them straight. I don't think they were paying attention.

No, today is not "indigenous people's day," no matter what the progressive nutjobs want you to believe about Christopher Columbus. And for our Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving!

The Climate Change crowd isn't even trying to hide their totalitarianism anymore. Sentence first, verdict afterwards!

All politics is local, and nothing is more local than trying to get a recalcitrant city commission to enforce the speed limit on your formerly quiet residential street.

 Sometimes the simplest concepts are the hardest to explain to an outsider.

Finally for today, Fred Thompson has a modest suggestion for Hillary's new campaign slogan.

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