Saturday 17 October 2015

It's Jihad (& Always Has Been)........................from Dan Friedman

This story about Arab Muslims attacking a Jewish holy place, and the Muslim destruction of ancient antiquities throughout the Middle East, ought to ring a bell.
Of the boatload of insane lies and libels bandied about against the Jews and Israel, one in particular stands out as more toxic - and indispensable - than the others. It’s the thumb-sucking-dumb idea that Israel is fighting a secular war against a subset of secular Arab nationalists. But with this latest attack on a Jewish holy place in Judea and Samaria, the so-called Palestinians are out of the closet and it’s undeniable Islam and Jihad are motivating them. They are called by their Koran to cleanse their “ummah,” or home turf, of the presence of the infidels, pure and simple. So what emerges is plain vanilla Islam waging a garden-variety Jihad to destroy the only “infidel” state in their precious neighborhood. There’s helluva a lot invested in this fantasy by the Nations – and by some Israelis too. So don’t hold your breath until the truth takes hold.

Ironically, the Muslims are only trying to do what Israel has been commanded to do for a hundred generations. Unfortunately, the barbarians are obeying Allah while the Zionists are ignoring Hashem. Until that equation changes, expect things to go from bad to worse.

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