Saturday 12 September 2015

We Don't Have As Much Time As We Dan Friedman

During the debate we’ve been having about the Obama Deal, I think many Americans have been conditioned to think we have 10 years or more before Iran can really make trouble. The idea that we have that much time has been one of Obama's chief (if subliminal) selling points. It appeals to a weak spot in the American psyche: putting things off until the last minute and the hope everything will somehow workout in the end – and to our benefit. After all, 10 years is a decade, time heals all wounds and Iran is on the other side of the planet. Cue the Hollywood ending in 2025!

But what about the interim? As has been noted ad nauseam by opponents of the deal, Iran gets a “signing bonus” and $150 billion of previously frozen assets will flow into Iran’s coffers before the ink is dry. And the West is already beating a path to its door to get a piece of the action and welcome the Ayatollahs into the “international community” as members in good standing.
But let’s stop fooling ourselves. Look at a map. Obama’s conflagration in the Middle East is ever-widening, now effecting the populations and the futures of many European nations. In such a milieu, it only stands to reason that a bulked up Iran is going to do a lot of damage to our world well before it has the Bomb. In fact, it will start even before Hussein leaves office, and sad to say, it’s going to hurt a lot.

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