Saturday 12 September 2015

Warning From a Reader....................from Dan Friedman

Bad sign coming just a few days before Rosh Hashanah. I hope my friend is wrong, but I see no reason to think so.

Dan Friedman

The California Assembly just passed a bill that will legalize voluntary euthanasia in cases of terminal illness.  It is expected to pass the California Senate, then be signed into law by Governor Brown who is reported to be a lifelong practicing Catholic.
You should know that in every jurisdiction that has enacted voluntary euthanasia, it has evolved into encouraged euthanasia and then (wink, wink) involuntary euthanasia.
It used to be that the primary purpose of medical care was to save lives.
In the era of socialism, it is now to save money.
As a practical matter, we will have abortions at both ends of the life span.
It has now occurred to me that the only rational explanation for the insanity of Congress with regard to the "agreement" with Iran is that G-d has confounded the minds of nearly all of the Democrats and of those Republicans in positions of leadership or influence.
It is like the Tower of Babel with respect to tongues.   Why?
America has degenerated into a cesspool of immoral depravity, lawlessness and corruption.  Traditional values and religion are being thrown out the window, the Bible is being scorned to the cheers of the intelligentsia, and the people are allowing it.
I think that G-d has had enough of it, that the time for the USA has passed, that what the USA has become is no longer of any good to the world.
Look at what has happened to the world --- and to America.
This "agreement" with Iran, ignoring history, ignoring manifest evil in a way that can only be described as confounded and irrational, ignoring the will of the American people, is going to set the stage for America's destruction.
America, not Israel.
Israel is not in danger of nuclear attack because G-d will never allow the toevah (abomination) of nuclear poisons to contaminate Holy Soil. There is no such restriction for America.
If this "agreement" goes through, and there is no resolve to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons by any means necessary -- if we look away from Iran like we looked away from North Korea -- then it is over.
Neville Chamberlain will be erased from history, replaced by Barack Obama and his enablers who will live in infamy.
For my Jewish friends:
The decline of a country is always accompanied by a rise in anti-Semitism. It will not be the quiet, subtle kind that we experienced in pre-1946 America.
It will be overt, vocal, and become violent.
Signs of this are already appearing, and the election of another President like Obama in 2016 will be ominous.
Be on the alert, be prepared to make a major change in your lives as people did in the last generation in Europe and lived to tell about it.

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