Monday 28 September 2015

Is Catholicism the new Reform Judaism?...............from Rico

[Most of his flock seems to share at least one thing in common with Pope Francis. Both are virtually mum about the brutal genocide being perpetrated in the Islamic world right under their noses. But I guess when you replace scripture with the Democratic platform, it was bound to happen. “Reform Jews” tried that magic trick with the Torah, and we all know how that worked out. So now we’re left with these two extraordinary contradictions: Jewish leaders and pundits like Ruthie Blum are stepping up to fill the moral vacuum created by this pale leftist in white robes, reminding us all of our obligations as human beings. What’s more, Jews appear to hold the Pope to higher standards than many of his acolytes do. Did I hear someone say “His Holiness?”df], 2015/09/27/

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