
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Three directions today................from Rico

Today is tomorrow. There are no more tomorrows.
Today Boehner goes, or he stays.
This could go in one of three directions:
- This spineless hack could be replaced by someone who actually represents the electorate base of the Republican party (and not the limousine liberal leadership of the party). Maybe this is the last chance to save a constitutional Republic.
- He is NOT replaced, and the Republicans throw away any remaining political support they had from their voting base. Nothing will seem to change, but by 2016 the Republicans will be extinct as a party.
- In a bid to keep power, Boehner gets Pelosi's "support" and America ends up with a European-style coalition government going forward with no major difference between the Communist Democrats or the Socialist Republicans. America becomes a third-world socialist shithole.

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