
Monday 5 January 2015

Melting down?.................from Rico

It was the meltdown of credit default swaps (CDS) created by the banksters that nearly crashed the Western financial system back in 2007-2008.
- They have yet to say "thank you" to the happy taxpayers who were forced to bail them out by their bought-and-paid for elected representatives, aka the lackeys of Wall Street.
Are these the early signs of an even bigger meltdown, the derivatives meltdown?
Let's consider"
1. These same TBTF clowns have a total short position against the Dollar of roughly $9 trillion according to the IMF.
- The Dollar has moved from $80 to $91.5, for a roughly 14.3 % loss.
2. These very same Mensa candidates then bought OIL and other commodities which have dropped adding more losses to their positions.
3. Now there is renewed talk of Greece exiting the EUro and defaulting on its sovereign debt (GREXIT redux).
This makes a near-perfect 'loss trifecta' for these TBTF US banks.
But, not to worry!
- Next week's heavily "massaged" NFP will 'prove' that everything is swell, and getting better.

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