Thursday 8 January 2015

Jew-haters and Jihadists Are Pointing Us in the Wrong Direction......................from Dan Friedman

"Apartheid" Israel and the" Occupation" are red herrings designed to throw us off the scent left behind by the enemies of liberal democracies and Western society. Thank G-d America and Americans are still in Israel's corner, notwithstanding six years of Barack Hussein Obama. But what of our friends the Europeans? They seem to remain in the dark and show little willingness to break out.

How many more bloody jihadist attacks – and candlelight vigils - will it take before our side comes to grips with who our real enemies are and how to defeat them? Sadly, the answer to that question appears to be "as many as we need to finally wake up." And with all that’s transpired between 9/11 and the Parisian massacre, we're not there yet.

As of Wednesday, we now know without a shadow of a doubt the pariah nation is not the State of Israel. Better to turn our attention to the boiling cauldrons of the Islamic Ummah and the latter-day caliphates, that is, if we decide to survive as a civilization.

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