
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Gold in 2014..................from Rico

In 2014 Gold was the second best currency, and was higher in all currencies except the US Dollar (that's no coincidence btw).
Even with the best efforts of the FED and the TBTF Banks to mask the weakness of the Dollar, it barely managed to squeak by Gold even with the benefit of their paper games and market manipulation.*
- Gold was smacked hard end-of-year in the, COMEX, mainly to drive home the point "Gold BAD, Dollar GOOD" for the sheeple's benefit in the US.
Gold was UP 15% in Yen, 13% in EUros, and 6% in GBP Sterling for example...protecting investors who held assets denominated in those currencies.
Gold was also a safe haven for many who saw their currencies sharply devalued (just ask the Argentinians, Syrians, Ukrainians and Venezuelans what THEY thought of holding physical Gold versus their paper currencies in 2014).
*Rigging and manipulation of the Gold markets (like LIBOR) moved from "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy fact" in 2014 although Barclay's and UBS received 'slaps on the wrists' for it. It pays to have low friends in high places, and I'd expect the games to continue so long as there are no serious consequences and there is money to be made.

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