
Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fresh Air Blows Down From Canada.............from Dan Friedman

[After six years of Obama we are all to be forgiven if we forgot what a real leader of a democracy sounds like. To jog your memory, have a look at this video and listen to a short statement from Canadian PM Stephen Harper reacting to the murdering Jihadists of Paris. We’re going to learn a lot about the future of our own country during the next two years, and the key will be the performance of the Republicans who are now the majority in both houses. If they are unwilling or unable to repair the damage caused by Obama’s serious assaults on the Constitution, and put a true American leader back into the White House in 2016, the picture will be very bleak and only heaven knows what will redeem us. df]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19:06

    Nice speech. Wonder how long he will be able to keep that office before some islam kills him.
