
Friday 2 January 2015

And unicorns are real....................from Rico

Once upon a time, when there were 'free' markets, end-of-year "squaring of accounts" and "painting the tape" were de rigeur. Normal, and expected.

This has CHANGEd under the new, centrally-planned economy, where there are NO markets but only interventions.
- Now the order of the day (and the Central Bankers) is to hammer bullion lower. Must. defend. fiat.

Who in the world did NOT know or expect the banking cartel would "raid" Gold and Silver bullion on a thinly-traded, semi-holiday (12-31)?

Happy New Year's eve!

The 'spot' price of Gold was artificially dropped below $1200, giving it a losing year for 2014.

At the COMEX close, Gold spot was $1183.90 (down 16.30) and Silver $15.56 (down $0.68).

Ya 'muddah!

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