Wednesday 31 December 2014

Weather Forecast: 2014 Ends with Record-Low Temperatures

Denver is down to 26 degrees below zero.

Evelyn Taft photo 1402308547Evelyn20Taft_zpsd42737db.jpg
Watch: Evelyn Taft's weather report for New Year's Eve, "Evelyn Taft on Year-End's Record-Low Temperatures."

Evelyn's the best. Sometimes her dresses are so tight her tits nearly pop out during the weather report!

Happy New Year everybody. Be sure to bundle up with some breasts!

1 comment:

Dan Pangburn said...

Nice points.

Unbiased science derives a physics-based equation which calculates results consistent with all measured average global temperatures. Search "agwunveiled"
1. A reference there provides historical evidence that CO2 change does not cause climate change.
2. The two factors that do correlate with climate change are identified. The correlation is 95% with average global temperatures since before 1900; including the current plateau. The analysis also predicts the ongoing down trend of average global temperature.
3. An explanation of why any credible CO2 change does not cause significant climate change.