
Sunday 21 December 2014

Two New York Police Officers Fatally Shot — 'Execution Style' — in 'Revenge' for Michael Brown and Eric Garner

This is absolutely horrifying, and of course the sorry but not unexpected consequence of weeks --- if not months --- of leftist, cop-hating violence and vigilante protests.

See the fully story, "Two NYPD Officers Shot Dead — 'Execution Style — in 'Revenge' for Michael Brown and Eric Garner (VIDEO)."


  1. Anonymous03:24

    it sure looks like someone is trying to stir up racial violence/riots/civil war, and the motivations to do so can only be evil.

    welcome to Obamamerica

  2. Pamela Geller reporting on the murderer's FB page...

    *notes from the koran, I know, you're as surprised as I am..!

  3. A good reality check would be for the NYC police to on strike for two weeks, actually leave the City. Cuba is nice this time of year.

    At the very least, they should refuse to provide protection to De Blasio and his family and other leading Democrats, including the penthouses along Central Park.
