
Monday 29 December 2014

Repeal The Second Amendment? Professor Says We Should

Like a majority of Americans, as I watch news stories about crime, riots, terrorist attacks, and a federal government that is totally out of control, I wake up every morning thankful to our founding fathers for having the wisdom to add the Second Amendment to the Constitution. A column in the Wisconsin Gazette written by Tom H. Hastings however, calls for the repeal of what Hastings refers to as “the stupid Second Amendment”. I will have to say it is a refreshing change to hear a liberal want to actually follow the constitutional process to get rid of the Second Amendment rather than simply ignoring as most of them try to do, but there are a number of flaws in his plan, some of which I will be most happy to address.          (continue reading)


  1. Anonymous19:04

    What the "brilliant" professor fails to understand is that the Bill of Rights is simply an ackowledgement of God given rights. They were never granted by men. Can't take back something you never gave in the first place. And if they ever did "repeal" those God given rights,..... I will NOT comply.

  2. Anonymous19:16

    Shouldn't we be doing them in order? Repeal the 1st amendment first!

  3. let him try. repealing an amendment is pretty difficult, and it gives us pro-gun people a rallying point.

    even if he wins...and he won't... repealing the 2nd amendment just gives lots of gun owners nothing left to lose. that's a dangerous place for the republic.

  4. The author - as do many who attack gun ownership - only looks at one set of data. He neglects to consider how many people defend themselves against violent crime against their persons or property through the use of guns. Prof. Gary Kleck figures it at somewhere between 800,000 and 2,500,000 instances per years. Guns enable a 70-year old man to defend himself against a 25-year old thug.
