
Tuesday 30 December 2014

"myRA" = Government is doing you a favor...............from Rico

With "myRA" Government is doing YOU a big FAVOR.
- And, like ObamaCare and EBT, it's FREE!

I guess there are those who still are clueless enough NOT to beware a government bearing gifts.

This latest "gift" (the German sense of the word 'gift' means 'poison'), is neither a FAVOR nor a BENEFIT which is how it will be 'sold'...but a LOOTING.

"myRA" is a non-marketable electronic savings bond (USG debt) that pays no income and is completely illiquid (you can't 'cash' it in, or out).

Marketed as "no cost to the employer" and as "no fee" for the employee, guess who pays for all this FREE stuff Happy Taxpayer?

Expect next that existing IRA's and Roth's will be "encouraged" to convert to "myRA's" since the real goal is to muscle-out any competition for this pot of money, and these existing plans can be inherited while this "new" plan can not.

What could be better for a government that badly needs money than a perpetual loan at no interest, whose balances 'disappear' on the owner's death and cannot be inherited?

The USG is bankrupt with debts already too massive to ever pay, making the roughly ~$20 trillion pot of private retirement savings far too tempting to resist looting.

All of the mini-Grubers that infest the USG today are really thankful that government-run schools have created generations of mindless taxpayer drones who are ignorant of, say...Tacitus, who said "Plunderers...when nothing remains on the lands to which they have laid waste by wanton thievery..." and believe it when they hear instead "Trust me, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help!"

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