Tuesday 30 December 2014

Mixed Emotions: UK Being Swallowed Up by Islam...................from Dan Friedman

[Throughout a history checkered with imperialism and brutality the English people have preserved some endearing qualities. Now it seems even those are being challenged by an influx of aggressive Muslims who are steadily making dhimmis out of a native population seemingly too passive and unsure of themselves to confront them, let alone rein them in. If we can learn one lesson from the long slide of England (and Europe) let it be that our great country is not immune to a similar Islamic debacle – not by a longshot. df]
gatestoneinstitute.org. December 30, 2014
"Britain remains the world's leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda." — Con Coughlin, Daily Telegraph. 
Editors Note: 'Imperialism and Brutality got us the greatest empire in history. Being all nice, lefty and limpdicked lost us one.'

1 comment:

gman said...

It's too late for the U.K. It will soon be an Islamic Republic under sharia law. Like the U.S., it's a land full of dhimmis.Cameron and his ilk have no backbone to do anything about it. God save the Queen.