
Monday 29 December 2014

Jewish Partisan Has Doubts About Netanyahu...................from Dan Friedman

[Melanie Phillips has earned the title “defender of Israel.” Here she confesses to misgivings about Netanyahu. Too bad for her - and us – the bases of her complaints are wobbly. 
I guess it's only natural that one sees the world through the lens of one's profession. So anyone who makes their living (supposedly) changing hearts and minds can be forgiven for seeing the battle in which Israel is engaged as a "PR war." But that misses the point entirely, and its bad for our health. Once again, Jews and Israel are in a battle for survival with an enemy who wants us gone from planet Earth – by any means necessary. Forceful Op-Eds and eloquent speeches (let alone emails) packed with facts have never changed that. As Mao once said, “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” For Jews, Israelis especially, it's dangerous to believe otherwise. df]
If even the prime minister with his fabled presentational skills doesn’t get it, small wonder that Israel has lost the PR war so badly

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