
Sunday 21 December 2014

I wonder if, and how much, of this....................from Rico

I wonder IF, and if so, just HOW MUCH of this story will be told in the "Minneapolis Star" (aka The Red Star), the official newspaper of record for the Minnesota DFL Party?*
* For those who don't know, it wasn't enough for Minnesotans to merely have a Democratic (C) had to be the Democratic Farmer Labor party, which is actually a better "fit" for the People's Democratic Republic of Minnesota. But I digress.....

Mall of America, THE largest mall in the US, which is located there, was shutdown by "protestors" Saturday 12-20. Merry Christmas.

HINT: They were NOT protesting the 'revenge' execution-murder of two NYPD cops by a BLACK MUSLIM ACTIVIST named Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley who sold 'kill George Zimmerman' t-shirts, and whose Facebook page quoted the Qu'ran verse 8:60 commanding believers to "Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah."
- Oh yeah, he also self-identified as an Arabic speaker...something not very common for a typical gang-banger.

Religion of peace? Well aloha snackbar and pork be upon them!

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