
Sunday 21 December 2014

Figured Them Out Yet?.................from Rico

Let's connect a few dots.

The TV personality "reverend" Al Sharpton is now calling for Congress to take "immediate action" to do something about a problem that has been completely manufactured and totally fabricated.
- Yeah, THAT Al who is a frequent visitor and advisor to the Communist-controlled White House (Red Shed) and is also the unofficial Vice Mayor to DeBlasio of Communist-controlled NYC.

There is an obvious AGENDA here.

The "riots" (Ferguson, NYC, et al) that were instigated, aided, and abetted by the DOJ under notable racist bigot Eric dickHolder as directed by notable racist bigot Barry dickSmoker by the race-baiter/race-pimp industry operated by the likes of Tawana Al and Je$$e to 'prove' how evil and racist the police are merely a STRATEGY towards a goal.

The GOAL? More control. A nationalized federalized POLICE force. CONTROL of the police.

Far-fetched? The fed's have already nationalized and taken control of the US healthcare system (a huge portion of the national economy), why not the soon-to-no-longer-be the local police too?

A word of caution to the thin blue your ass and cover your six Barney Fife. Especially the Sheriff's who are, for now, the supreme policing authority in America's counties. The Commie rump-rangers are coming after us all...........

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