
Tuesday 23 December 2014

Bloody Hands: Do Obama & NYC Mayor Bear a Share of Guilt for Dead Cops................

Are politicians on the Left, like NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio, President Obama and the mainstream media responsible for the assassinations of two Brooklyn cops by a killer who said he was getting retribution for the deaths of Ferguson Missouri’s Michael Brown and Staten Island’s Eric Garner? Or do their disavowals of violence insulate them from responsibility for the blood of these officers? Can the law stand if the Left won’t stand behind it? How long with “the thin blue line” hold like this? Bill Whittle leads Scott Ott and Stephen Green in a discussion about who’s accountable when words leads to bloodshed.

1 comment:

  1. Have to disagree on one point.

    Bill said that the "thin red/green line" if it can't hold would mean that the Occupy types would rule the streets..without the police to hold them in check. Not so. In Boston at least it was my observation that the police were the ones protecting the Occupy animals from the angry and attentions of working stiffs like me. People who were trying to get to work, who saw the filth and destruction of the public parks. Regular people who were forced to detour out of their way because of those petulant children and it was the police for the most part that protected the scum from us.
