
Monday, 4 August 2014

Summing Up.....................from Dan Friedman

The cost of not destroying Hamas will be enormous. Much as Israel would like to end the matter by just pulling out, she won’t be able. The rockets will keep coming and Israel will have to keep returning fire. So quiet will not have been achieved. As much as Israel prefers NOT to have a ceasefire agreement (she says that Hamas is not trust worthy) in reality the world will force an agreement on her and she will have to give in the the demands of the Palestinians to some extent. My guess is that the Palestinians will be tough negotiators and will not settle for less than their demands. It will be Israel who will be begging for a ceasefire on better terms for her, namely demilitarization. The way I see it, Israel is on the hot seat. Israel is the loser because she is not the winner.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23:49

    The simplistic frame that there are good guys and bad guys in these situations is very wrong.
    At least 3 Israeli PMs have said versions of "If I were Palestinian, I would be doing just what they were doing".
    And if you were faced with the future Israel has left for families in Gaza you would be doing just what they are doing: calling as much attention to the very great injustice as you possibly can.
    Hamas kills soldiers, IDF kills civilians, Hamas is the terrorist organization?
    If you can't give a convincing version of the other sides' story, you don't understand the situation well enough to have a helpful opinion. If you aren't dealing with hard reality, as compared to the fantasy worlds everyone seems to want to live in, you can't protect your own interests.
    But, of course, you friends can say "he is one of us" as you perpetuate the problem.
