Saturday 4 January 2014

Some Evening Linkage (From the Fringes of the Radical Psycho Left)

It's been a wild couple of days of blogging (psycho left blogging), but worth sharing.

Rachel Sacks photo gay1n-2-web_zps922caef5.jpg
At left, "Rachael Sacks, New York College Student Whose Essay, 'I'm Not Going to Pretend That I'm Poor to Be Accepted by You', Now Mad That Media Overlooked Her Lesbianism." (She only thinks she's lesbian; probably just needs a man to make her whole.)

More crazy leftist psychos, "What Next for Homosexual Rights?":
Of course the agenda goes far beyond dismantling the heteronormative patriarchy and the redistribution of economic resources from the "oppressors" to the "oppressed" --- queers, the transgendered, people of color, illegals, drug addicts, criminals, and the poor. It is, in other words, the destruction of society's institutions of regeneration and stability. Grant this agenda and you'll be pulling off the Marxist goal of total obliteration of the family unit in furtherance of the complete violent demolition of bourgeois society. This is what's next for homosexual rights? They will bury you. Sally Kohn just pulls the mask right off.

And here, "The End of Men."

Also, not to be missed, the Communist Manifesto for Millennials, "'In any case, we have to stop letting rich people pretend they privately own what nature provided everyone...'"

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