
Tuesday 16 October 2012

Late News...........

They just don't make Technicals like they used to...

Squirrel population boom frustrates fruit growers

Iraqi Shi'ite militants fight for Syria's Assad

Big Tobacco lawyers target food industry

Ryan in hot water for photo op at soup kitchen

Back to the "Body Count:" The Lack of Reliable Data on the Wars in Iraq, Afghanista​n, and Pakistan

Clinton takes Obama off Libya hook

Stocks jump on rise in homebuilde​r confidence

Iron Worker Hangs Romney Banner Atop Sears Tower

A Presidency Squandered

Perot backs Romney, disses Obama

Romney gaining in PA?

GW Bush: Romney will make 'great' president

No, Hillary. Benghazi Will Not Go Away

AMA committee endorses Ryan-esque Medicare reform

Pakistan announces $1m bounty for Taliban spokesman

Iran says new EU sanctions 'inhumane'

Well wishers try to visit Malala Yousafzai at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Will Romney Increase Defense Spending By $2 Trillion?

Desertion, lack of re-enlistm​ent hurt Afghan army recruitmen​t

Rice Pins Faulty Libya Story on Intel

White House reportedly preps strike team to take out terrorists tied to Libya attack

Obama Admin Considers 'October Surprise' Libya Attack

Another Obama 'Green' Collapse: A 123 Is a Goner

Hillary's Price

Obama: 'We got back every dime' of TARP money

The Shores of Tripoli

The Real Lesson of Benghazi

Candy Crowley: Obama's Organic Helper

Ann Coulter Blasts ‘Air-Headed’ Actresses in New Pro-Obama Ad That Warns Women About a Romney Presidency

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