As you know my laptop recently died so a friend has given his old one. As it runs on Windows XP is it absolutely no good for anything apart from installing and playing this classic (and the only computer game I have ever played).
I need something to keep me occupied while I continue to recover so this fits the bill perfectly.
Loved that game -- cheesy graphics and terrible sound effects and all! Brings back memories, good times with my dormmates playing that game into the wee hours of the morning. I think I still have the CD-ROM in the garage or attic.
I found a fix online to play the original Win95 Hasbro Risk on Windows 10 and 11. Very nice.
One of my all-time favorites. I played Harpoon Classic on Windows platforms through Windows 7. Doesn't work on Windows 10. Fortunately Matrix Games released a new version that works on Windows 10.
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