
Thursday, 5 December 2024

As Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Said ......from Rico

Congressional Queen of insider trading Nancy Pelosi's daughter once famously said about her mom QUOTE "She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding." UNQUOTE

United Healthcare grew incredibly huge under the present regime as corporate America and merged into one another.

Consider the amount of MONEY sloshing around the Halls of CONgress, and consider the absence of any scruples, morals, or ethics among the denizens of the Swamp.

[Think: Palo Alto; Pelosi.]

Not that the Pelosi's would EVER think themselves above the law, disrespect the Nation, or engage in underwear hammer fights while behaving in an openly FU mode! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course she has something to do with it. This is how she has made herself rich over the years in gubbermint.