Tuesday 15 October 2024

Shitheels in the the Tarheel State ..............from Rico

 It's been pretty clear that the NC National Guard* is kompromat and actively supporting FEMA's efforts to not help anyone in NC if they can help it.

- Since they are controlled by hysterical Democrats [C] it is unsurprising that they are hyperventilating about nonexistent 'threats' from armed militia groups hunting FEMA workers. [read: No they are NOT; one individual with a gun was the basis for this BS story].


The NC State Police in pleasant contrast are having NONE of this hand-wringing happy horseshit and has said it will arrest any FEMA agent who tried to prevent aid or rescue!

[?: By extension would this extend to NCARNG who has actively tried to prevent aid or rescue?]


*At this point I do not consider the NCARNG to be a friend, but a pathetic hand-wringing political bunch of useless pansies.

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