Thursday 3 October 2024

Port Workers Strike ..............from Rico

 The first Longshoreman's 'strike' in half a century was initiated mere weeks before the 2024 election. Coincidence? I think NOT.


And Biden-Harris (acting as sock puppets for Obama and Team Obama) not only allowed it, but instigated it making a more accurate term economic extortion and hostage taking vice 'strike.'



- The longshoreman turned down a 50% pay raise [read: more pay for less work] and demanded no automation in US ports.

- Automated foreign ports are far more efficient than the shuttered US ports are.

- Remember when the US had an American President and the Air Traffic Controllers went on strike? The ATC strikers were all fired and replaced.

[?] Why not automate US ports to make them competitive internationally and give all the longshoremen a permanent 100% decrease in pay.

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