Friday 18 October 2024

Hard Lessons Will Be Learned .............from Rico

 As the literal Mau Mau-ing of America accelerates, it reminds me of the destruction of Rhodesia and South Africa.


It's not merely the economic destruction [1], but the social disintegration caused by rampant criminality [2].


[1] The Dollar and the Golden Goose that laid it are being butchered by American Bolsheviks emulating Haitians.


[2] Setting aside the obvious rot-from-the-top, the street-level criminality (yes, including but not exclusive to South American gangs like Tren de Aragua et al) is spreading from the 'bad' parts of cities into the suburbs which will be easy pickings for organized criminal gangs.


[=] Hard lessons are about to be learned the hard way.

- As Rhodesia was gutted farm-by-farm they learned to keep all the lights on inside the house until bed time when they were all turned-off at the same time. This prevented the 'attackers' from figuring out which rooms were occupied.

- The organized looting of a freight train in Chicago was evocative of South Africa where that has become commonplace.

-- Staying in South Africa, in the suburbs (ref infra) the criminals have learned to crawl to their targets homes because most alarm systems have 'blind spots' in their motion detectors to prevent pets/small animals from triggering alarms.


It's not hard at all to foresee a time when one will 'carry' inside the home to defend the lives of loved ones. Call it "the American Breakfast" courtesy of the treasonous American Bolsheviks.

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