Tuesday 13 August 2024

Take Britain as an example........

Our last general election has the lowest turnout for roughly a 100 years. The electorate couldn't be bothered. 

Liebour have only been in power for a few weeks and the country is screwed. They only got 32% of the vote yet have total power. Sound familiar?

Free speech (something the Magna Carta gave the world) is being oppressed, the pensioners have been fucked over royally with the loss of their winter fuel payment, the public sector are about to run amock with stupid pay rise demands (which they will get) and as for immigration.....well we all know about that shitshow. God only knows what will happen to the economy/taxes, agriculture and defence with these commie assholes in charge. So now you know how much worse thing can get....

IF the Republican/American vote doesn't get out in force (if you didn't learn a thing from 2020), the Demoncrats will be able to steal another election. Stay at home at your peril. Don't vote at your peril. DO NOT think that Trump being ahead in all non commie polls guarantees victory. They have had 4 years to rig this one and sure as hell will use every trick, scam and threat to win this one.

It is your God given right to vote so bloody well get off your asses and vote. If anyone tries to interfere with that God given right........well that what the Second Amendment is for. (Now you know why it comes after the First) .

Do not let apathy fuck this up. You and the rest of the planet need Trump back.............so the balls in your court America.

1 comment:

Mind your own business said...

Then the Republicans better start keeping their campaign promises. I've fallen for their bait-and-switch for the past 50 years. No more. Over half the Republican Party are RINOs.